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The Do’s and Don’ts for your spa interior

Comfort, luxury, minimalism and happiness, if we were to define spas in four words, this would be our selection! And I'm sure everyone agrees!  The ambience of a spa is a product of the type of décor and the services being offered by your spa. 

One thing shouldn't be ignored while deciding the interior space of your spa! The clients and customers that will be coming into your space!  Your spa should be the embodiment of your clients' feelings associated with thoughts of spa treatments.  

If you’re not really sure which way you want to go with your décor, opt for experts in commercialinterior design Dubai and leave the task to the professionals.

commercial interior design Dubai

The Do’s and Don’ts of spa interior decor

Here are few things to do and to avoid when designing your spa ‘s interior:

Do's of the spa interior

Use an inviting colour scheme

Let's take a step back and think why people visit spas in the first place? To relax and to provide temporary relief from the stresses of daily life. Using lighter colours, or inviting colours makes sense then, doesn't it!  

Not only are lighter colours easy on the eyes but they give the space a brighter, more spacious look. Incorporate earthy tones because they tend to flow freely and that’s basically what a spa is about, a quiet and easy flowing space. 

Interior that goes with earthy tones is also an easier find. Since most colours go with earthy tones, the lookout for the complementing interior doesn’t take too long.

Comfortable seating

Again, spas are all about comfort, and although your customers will be spending most of the time I in their respective massage chairs or beds, relaxing,   the furniture in your space should exude an aura of comfort and luxury!  

The furniture contributes a great deal towards the aesthetics of the room. So make sure its an investment you don’t regret making in the short term.  Opt for classy furniture that’s not second hand despite the fact that you won’t be using it too much. 

You don’t want it to break apart in front  of customers so invest in items that are sophisticated, complement your decor 

Add statement cushion with bold prints and patterns to break the ethereal surfaces up and add personality to your spa decor.

Light up your space

When looking for lighting and fixtures, for your spa, opt for a warm glowy light that’s not too bright nor too warm and light up your spa to complement the theme you've chosen for your spa. The lights in your room should be bright enough to allow customers to read in but dark enough to let them relax.  

Use eclectic lighting by combining lamps and candles to create a  fun yet mysterious outlook for your space. When choosing candles for lighting ensure that they are unscented. Overbearing smells may bother your clients, disrupting the whole ambience of the space.

Since aromatherapy does include fragrances and scents, the scent of candles may create disharmony between all the scents an fragrances. It's best to use candle shaped lambs that are battery powered providing brighter light than candles but masked as candles.

Don’t go overboard with decor

It is understandable that spa decor can be very exciting for the owners and they may try to include everything to set the mood of the space. However, it's critical that you refrain from going overboard with all the decor. This may have the opposite effect, and your spa may end up looking cluttered.

Take away!

Spa decor is all about minimalism with a touch of sophistication and key aspects that attract the attention of the clients.  If you’re looking for ways to decorate your spa, hire experts in commercial interior design Dubai and watch the space of your dreams come to life! 


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