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Store interior layouts to increase sales for your cosmetics store

There are so many ways to go with your cosmetics store layout! But there are very few ways that can help you fulfill the basic objectives; movement of customers through the store, their shopping behavior and how long they spend in your shop. These are all essential factors that depend on the right layout for your commercial space! A job calling for the best commercial interior decorators in Dubai!

The Middle East appears to be the hub for consumers spending on personal care and cosmetic items. Cosmetic stores may be the most infamous hangout spots in ME in the coming year. With a per capita spending on skincare expected to reach the US $ 294 by the year 2020, the Middle East ranks ninth in the world.

Well-reputed commercial interior design companies in Dubai are experienced entities that know the rules of commercial interior and can provide your store the basis for fulfilling the most basic objectives of the store design i.e., getting people to buy form your store!  

commercial interior design companies in Dubai

Layout designs to feature in your cosmetics store

Use the following basic layouts can be used to plan out your cosmetics store:

Back to Basic – straight floor plan      

The most basic way to diplay your products but often monotonous as it encourages customer clusters around the displays causing blocked store traffic. However, due to the increased amount of space available for display, the complete range of products at your store can be displayed at the same time.

The disadvantage of this layout may be the restricted line of sight as customers may not be visible to the cashiers at all times. Placing mirrors strategically and the use of security cameras may help minimize the risks associated with this layout design!

Diagonal Floor plan

If your store is smaller in size, a diagonal floor plan may be the right thing for your store.  The layout provides sufficient channel of visibility for the clients and cashiers. Not only does the diagonal spacing allow ease of traffic flow, but its more customer friendly and allows customers to walk through the shop at their own pace. 

Angular floor plans

If you wish to design your cosmetic store into a more elitist, high-end store, opt for the angular layout! The curves and angles tend to bring a sophisticated look to the entire store. Mirrors placed at angles to the store can create excellent testing stations for your customers. 

Since the store design offers limited space for merchandise to be displayed,  its ideal for hand made cosmetics that have smaller inventories.

Jumbled up –mixed floor plan

 The mixed floor plan for your cosmetics store includes the incorporation of all other layouts into one to create a store layout that's not only functional but customer friendly.

  Having a retail store layout with numerous elevations and designs incorporated into one is an excellent way to keep customers wondering what to expect, allowing them free passage through the store. You may need the help of the best commercial interior decorators to get this done right though.

Geometric floor plan

The layout uses shelving and racks to create a cheap, extraordinary store layout.  A geometric layout is ideal for when you plan on using other products in your store. For example, when your cosmetic store is ready to house perfumes and toiletries. 

Differently shaped racks, specific to the products on them can be used to keep customers interested. At the same time, it provides a predictable location for the products, so the customers know where to look for the things they require.

Why hire commercial interior decorators for your store?

The final layout of your store may greatly affect your store traffic and the number of customers coming into your store. The final layout you choose is also encouraged by other critical things, such as the number of products on display and what type of customers will be coming to your store!

For a layout specific to the needs of your cosmetics store, it's essential to opt for experts in commercial interior design Dubai. The best ones in the industry can help you design the best layouts that are specific to your store and bound to get the customers rolling in!


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